Kaltun Maden, one of the main sector companies in which Kaltun Holding is active, is one of the biggest mining companies in Turkey with its 56 licensed fields located in 5 main regions which are Çine, Milas, Yatağan, Bursa and Eskişehir.


Kaltun Maden provides raw material to ceramics, glass, composite stone, paint, glaze, filtration, silicone cable and other related sectors, and aims to enhance its service network with new products to be added to the product range in near future. Kaltun Maden, which has managed to become one of the most well-known companies of the sector in the sodium feldspar export of Turkey, plays an important role in the world as a micronized and granule quartz producer.

About Us

About Us

Kaltun Maden, one of the main sector companies in which Kaltun Holding is active, is one of the biggest mining companies in Turkey with its 56 licensed fields located in 5 main regions which are Çine, Milas, Yatağan, Bursa and Eskişehir.

Kaltun Maden provides raw material to ceramics, glass, composite stone, paint, glaze, filtration, silicone cable and other related sectors, and aims to enhance its service network with new products to be added to the product range in near future. Kaltun Maden, which has managed to become one of the most well-known companies of the sector in the sodium feldspar export of Turkey, plays an important role in the world as a micronized and granule quartz producer.

To provide its products and services in line with its basic principles by aware of the needs of its stakeholders. Maintaining its dynamic structure, both using existing resources effectively and taking initiatives by creating new resources.



To provide its products and services in line with its basic principles by aware of the needs of its stakeholders. Maintaining its dynamic structure, both using existing resources effectively and taking initiatives by creating new resources.

To be a globally local, trustworthy, respected, and enterprising leader brand.



To be a globally local, trustworthy, respected, and enterprising leader brand.

Ceramics Industry

Combining our high-quality feldspar and quartz reserve potential with our technical knowledge, we have been helping our customers for many years to produce more quality ceramic products with higher efficiency. Within this scope, our products within the CERATUN product group are used in ceramic, granite, technical porcelain, vitrified, frit, glaze, engobe, tableware productions. All CERATUN products are produced in mines belonging to Kaltun Madencilik A.Ş. and located in the Çine-Milas region and made available to our customers by being checked elaborately with the methods and periods determined in the Kaltun Quality Management System throughout the phases of mine production, processing, packing and shipping.



Glass Industry
Combining our high-quality feldspar and quartz reserve potential with our technical knowledge, we have been helping our customers for many years to produce more quality glasses with higher efficiency. Within this scope, our products within the GLASSTUN product group are used in flat glass, container glass, architectural glass, auto glasses, technical glass (screen, etc.) solar glass, tableware and crystal glass productions. All GLASSTUN products are produced in mines belonging to Kaltun Madencilik A.Ş. and located in Çine-Milas region and made available to our customers by being checked elaborately with the methods and periods determined in Kaltun Quality Management System throughout the phases of mine production, processing, packing and shipping.



Composite Stone Industry
Combining our high-quality feldspar and quartz reserve potential with our technical knowledge, we have been helping our customers in the composite stone industry for many years to produce more quality products with higher efficiency. Within this scope, our products within the STONETUN product group are used in composite stone production and they increase the aesthetic appearance and functional performance of the composite stone. All STONETUN products are produced in mines belonging to Kaltun Madencilik A.Ş. and located in Çine-Milas region and made available to our customers by being checked elaborately with the methods and periods determined in Kaltun Quality Management System throughout the phases of mine production, processing, packing and shipping.



Paint Industry
Combining our high-quality feldspar and mica reserve potential with our technical knowledge, we have been helping our customers in the paint and coating industry for many years to produce more quality products with higher efficiency. Within this scope, our products within the COATTUN product group are used in architectural and industrial paints and coatings and they enhance their mechanic and optic features. All COATTUN products are produced in mines belonging to Kaltun Madencilik A.Ş. and located in Çine-Milas region and made available to our customers by being checked elaborately with the methods and periods determined in Kaltun Quality Management System throughout the phases of mine production, processing, packing and shipping.



Plastic Industry
Combining our high-quality feldspar and mica reserve potential with our technical knowledge, we have been helping our customers in the plastic industry for many years to produce more quality products with higher efficiency. Within this scope, our products within the PLASTUN product group are used in masterbatch, compound and other plastic goods production and they enhance their mechanic and optic features. All PLASTUN products are produced in mines belonging to Kaltun Madencilik A.Ş. and located in Çine-Milas region and made available to our customers by being checked elaborately with the methods and periods determined in Kaltun Quality Management System throughout the phases of mine production, processing, packing and shipping.





Being the pioneer for the use of Feldspar mining in the glass manufacturing industry in Turkey, Kaltun Madencilik San. Nak. and Akr. Tic. A.Ş. has adopted the following principles in order to ensure its environmental, economic and social sustainability.

We carry out all our activities with an understanding of continuous improvement based on the principle of sustainability.

We offer high-quality products accepted according to international standards to the customers in the sector we are active globally.

We monitor, measure and evaluate the effects of our activities on the environment and social structure. We improve our processes to eliminate or reduce negative effects.

We support the fight against climate change and take care of the protection of natural resources.

We ensure reliability in the eyes of our customers by prioritizing environmental aspects, occupational safety, economic factors and high quality in our activities.

We contribute to the development of the regions where we carry out our activities.

We employ hundreds of people and contribute to local economies in Turkey. We contribute to socio-economic development by supporting the people of the region.

We carry out all our activities in accordance with current legal regulations, depending on the ethical rules and with a management approach that is transparent and accountable.

We take into account the expectations of our stakeholders in order to reduce future risks and establish and maintain lasting relationships and direct our strategies accordingly.

We carry out all our activities in a way that respects human rights. We encourage non-discrimination and equal opportunities and expect the same sensitivity from our stakeholders.

Our employees are our most important stakeholders. In addition to ensuring the health and safety of our employees, we offer them a fair and participatory working environment. We encourage our employees to improve themselves and we provide the necessary support.




Feldspat madeninin Türkiye’de cam üretim sektöründe girdi olarak kullanıma alınmasında öncü olan Kaltun Madencilik San. Nak. ve Akr. Tic. A.Ş. çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal boyutlarda sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamak amacıyla aşağıdaki prensipleri benimsemiştir.

  • Tüm faaliyetlerimizi sürdürülebilirlik prensibine bağlı olarak sürekli iyileştirme anlayışıyla yürütürüz.
  • Küresel alanda faaliyet gösterdiğimiz sektördeki müşterilerimize uluslararası standartlara göre kabul gören ve yüksek kalitede ürünler sunarız.
  • Faaliyetlerimizin çevre ve sosyal yapı üstündeki etkilerini izler, ölçer ve değerlendiririz; olumsuz etkileri ortadan kaldırmak veya azaltmak için ilgili süreçlerimizi iyileştiririz.
  • İklim değişikliğine yönelik mücadeleye destek olur, doğal kaynakların korunmasına özen gösteririz.
  • Faaliyetlerimizde çevre boyutlarını, iş güvenliğini, ekonomik faktörleri ve yüksek kaliteyi ön planda tutarak müşteri gözünde güvenilirliği sağlarız.
  • Faaliyetlerimizi gerçekleştirdiğimiz bölgelerin kalkınmasına katkı sağlarız.
  • Türkiye’de yüzlerce insana istihdam ve yerel ekonomilere katkı sağlarız. Bölge halkına destek olarak yerel sosyo-ekonomik kalkınmaya katkıda bulunuruz.
  • Tüm faaliyetlerimizi yürürlükteki yasal düzenlemelere uygun bir şekilde, etik kurallara bağlı kalarak, şeffaf ve hesap verebilir bir yönetim anlayışıyla yürütürüz.
  • Geleceğe dönük risklerimizi azaltmak ve kalıcı ilişkiler kurmamızı ve sürdürmemizi sağlamak amacıyla paydaşlarımızın beklentilerini dikkate alır ve stratejilerimizi bunlara göre yönlendiririz.
  • Tüm faaliyetlerimizi insan haklarına saygılı bir şekilde gerçekleştiririz. Ayrımcılık yapılmaması ve fırsat eşitliğini teşvik ederiz ve paydaşlarımızdan da aynı hassasiyeti bekleriz.
  • Çalışanlarımız en önemli paydaşlarımızdır. Çalışanlarımızın sağlık ve güvenliklerini sağlamanın yanı sıra onlara adil ve katılımcı bir çalışma ortamı sunarız. Çalışanlarımızı kendilerini geliştirmeleri için cesaretlendirir ve gerekli desteği yaparız.


Kaltun Group aims to be an organization that has the consciousness of living together based on long experiences, has the ability to understand the expectations and problems of the surrounding communities, and sees itself as a part of these communities and grows with it. Our belief in diversity and inclusion is not just for our employees; it is also the reason why we respect our contiguous and external stakeholders. Social Responsibility projects are planned according to the criteria set in the Corporate Social Responsibility Policies to which we are affiliated.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility company policy; Our employees, contiguous, stakeholders, investors, and our environmentally sensitive business approach are taken as reference.

Our Group:


  • Lawful and sustainable operating activities,
  • Open and transparent partnership and collaboration principles,
  • Adopting business ethics, honesty and respect as ethical values,
  • Minimizing the effects of business processes,
  • We are an organization that aims to support long-term projects and has adopted the principle of producing policies for this. It is our priority to social responsibility initiatives developed with this understanding.

As a requirement of a responsible job and the outputs of a corporate perspective; To use resources more effectively, to make responsible and sustainable long-term contributions by establishing good relations with our contiguous and understanding their needs while continuing our activities with the least impact on the environment. As Kaltun Group, we believe that using the resources that the world gives us meticulously is a reflection of respect for the world and the environment for future generations and ourselves.

We are aware of the importance of corporate social responsibility and its role in society, and as Kaltun Group, we mainly support projects and works that make a difference in environmental issues, the problems of our stakeholders, education, employment, health, culture, arts and environmental issues. Our main goal and expectation is that our support and donations in these areas create value for our country. Contributing to society and considering our growth as an integral part of the development of our society constitutes our basic view.

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility


Kaltun Group aims to be an organization that has the consciousness of living together based on long experiences, has the ability to understand the expectations and problems of the surrounding communities, and sees itself as a part of these communities and grows with it. Our belief in diversity and inclusion is not just for our employees; it is also the reason why we respect our contiguous and external stakeholders. Social Responsibility projects are planned according to the criteria set in the Corporate Social Responsibility Policies to which we are affiliated.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility company policy; Our employees, contiguous, stakeholders, investors, and our environmentally sensitive business approach are taken as reference.

Our Group:


  • Lawful and sustainable operating activities,
  • Open and transparent partnership and collaboration principles,
  • Adopting business ethics, honesty and respect as ethical values,
  • Minimizing the effects of business processes,
  • We are an organization that aims to support long-term projects and has adopted the principle of producing policies for this. It is our priority to social responsibility initiatives developed with this understanding.

As a requirement of a responsible job and the outputs of a corporate perspective; To use resources more effectively, to make responsible and sustainable long-term contributions by establishing good relations with our contiguous and understanding their needs while continuing our activities with the least impact on the environment. As Kaltun Group, we believe that using the resources that the world gives us meticulously is a reflection of respect for the world and the environment for future generations and ourselves.

We are aware of the importance of corporate social responsibility and its role in society, and as Kaltun Group, we mainly support projects and works that make a difference in environmental issues, the problems of our stakeholders, education, employment, health, culture, arts and environmental issues. Our main goal and expectation is that our support and donations in these areas create value for our country. Contributing to society and considering our growth as an integral part of the development of our society constitutes our basic view.


As the leading company of our country in the production of feldspar and quartz, ensuring and maintaining the satisfaction of our customers is as important as compliance with legal requirements. Knowing this, we are determined to continue our activities.

We aim for our employees to be quality-minded and to maintain this awareness. We aim to carry out our activities under control in cooperation with our customers, subcontractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

Within this scope, our basic working principles have been determined:

Efficient use of the sources,

To meet customer requests timely, sustainable quality, and economically,

To fulfill all obligations determined by law in a timely and completely,

To produce efficiently and with the least damage to the environment,

To continue R&D for the development of new products,

To continue R&D for the acquisition of new mine sites,

To improve the qualifications of our employees, to ensure that they work in a healthy and safe work environment,

To follow ethical principles,

To use new technologies in all relevant areas in our processes,

To plan the necessary activities and to provide the resources for the continuous improvement of the quality management system.





As the leading company of our country in the production of feldspar and quartz, ensuring and maintaining the satisfaction of our customers is as important as compliance with legal requirements. Knowing this, we are determined to continue our activities.

We aim for our employees to be quality-minded and to maintain this awareness. We aim to carry out our activities under control in cooperation with our customers, subcontractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

Within this scope, our basic working principles have been determined:

  • Efficient use of the sources,
  • To meet customer requests timely, sustainable quality, and economically,
  • To fulfill all obligations determined by law in a timely and completely,
  • To produce efficiently and with the least damage to the environment,
  • To continue R&D for the development of new products,
  • To continue R&D for the acquisition of new mine sites,
  • To improve the qualifications of our employees, to ensure that they work in a healthy and safe work environment,
  • To follow ethical principles,
  • To use new technologies in all relevant areas in our processes,
  • To plan the necessary activities and to provide the resources for the continuous improvement of the quality management system.


As the leading company of our country in the production of feldspar and quartz, the basic principle of our sustainable growth policy is to protect the environment and natural resources, prevent and reduce environmental pollution.

We aim for our employees to have and maintain environmental awareness. We aim to keep the environmental impact of our activities under control in cooperation with our customers, subcontractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

Within this scope:

  • To work by preserving existing reserves and preventing unnecessary damage to nature while mining.
  • To realise effective nature restoration in abandoned quarries on the basis of legal requirements.
  • Considering the environmental impacts of our processing activities and performing in full-compatible with relevant laws, applicable standards, and other commitments.
  • To ensure the continuous improvement of the environmental management system in order to increase the environmental performance.
  • To reduction wastes and prevent them whenever possible, to support the transition to a circular economy.
  • Use of suitable new technologies to protect the environment.
  • To prevent or reduce as much as possible air and water pollution, noise, leaks and spills.
  • Keeping energy, raw material and natural resource consumption under control and improving.
  • To use renewable energy sources to reduce the effects of climate change, to implement the Energy Management System in all our sites to ensure energy efficiency.
  • It has been determined as our basic principles to ensure the participation of our customers, suppliers and related parties in our determination to protect the environment, reduce environmental risks and keep production and business activities under control.




As the leading company of our country in the production of feldspar and quartz, the basic principle of our sustainable growth policy is to protect the environment and natural resources, prevent and reduce environmental pollution.

We aim for our employees to have and maintain environmental awareness. We aim to keep the environmental impact of our activities under control in cooperation with our customers, subcontractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

Within this scope:

  • To work by preserving existing reserves and preventing unnecessary damage to nature while mining,
  • To make environmental arrangements effectively in abandoned mines
  • Considering the environmental impacts of our processing activities and performing in full-compatible with relevant laws, applicable standards, and other commitments,
  • To ensure the continuous improvement of the environmental management system in order to increase the environmental performance,
  • To reduction wastes and prevent them whenever possible,
  • Use of suitable new technologies to protect the environment,
  • To prevent or reduce as much as possible air and water pollution, noise, leaks and spills,
  • Keeping energy, raw material and natural resource consumption under control and improving,

It has been determined as our basic principles to ensure the participation of our customers, suppliers and related parties in our determination to protect the environment, reduce environmental risks and keep production and business activities under control.

To contribute to example image of the company in the sector by implementing necessary systems and applications to gain, develop and keep human resource which will serve for growing and developing strategies of the company for generations.k.

Human Resources

Human Resources

To contribute to example image of the company in the sector by implementing necessary systems and applications to gain, develop and keep human resource which will serve for growing and developing strategies of the company for generations.


Our organization is the leading company in the production of feldspar and quartz in our country, and crushing, screening, enrichment, grinding and packaging operations are carried out in accordance with customer demands in our company’s mines and processing facilities.

All of our employees, guests, and subcontractors must perform their jobs under safe conditions. And the importance we attach to the protection of their health while performing their work is equal to the degree of importance we attach to the quality of our product. Therefore, it is a high priority for our management to comply with all current laws, regulations, and other obligations regarding the health and safety of employees. We believe that all accidents and occupational diseases are preventable. We aim to keep under control by preventing or minimize occupational accidents and occupational diseases that may arise from our activities.

Continuous improvement of our occupational health and safety management system is within our basic management principles. Our core work principles determined as follows:

  • Issues related to occupational health and safety will be given utmost importance to the environment and quality by all management units (from top management to the lower level of management).
  • Production or economic benefits are never taken before the issues related to the health and safety of our employees.
  • All our activities will be carried out in accordance with legal regulations and other requirements.
  • In all our activities, the elimination of occupational health and safety hazards and reducing the risks, if any, will be taken as a basis.
  • Our employees will be consulted on matters related to occupational health and safety and their participation will be ensured.
  • It will be ensured that all our employees and guests are aware of occupational health and safety and occupational diseases.
  • Developments in occupational health and safety technology will be taken into consideration in the planning of investments.
  • Personal protective equipment will comply with international standards to protect the health and safety of all our employees and guests.
  • In all activities, prevention of dangers at the source will be the basis.
  • There are necessary OHS warning signs in all our work areas.
  • We regularly review our Emergency Plans specific to our sites and provide necessary information to all our employees, subcontractors and guests through drills and trainings.




Our organization is the leading company in the production of feldspar and quartz in our country, and crushing, screening, enrichment, grinding and packaging operations are carried out in accordance with customer demands in our company’s mines and processing facilities.

All of our employees, guests, and subcontractors must perform their jobs under safe conditions. And the importance we attach to the protection of their health while performing their work is equal to the degree of importance we attach to the quality of our product. Therefore, it is a high priority for our management to comply with all current laws, regulations, and other obligations regarding the health and safety of employees. We believe that all accidents and occupational diseases are preventable. We aim to keep under control by preventing or minimize occupational accidents and occupational diseases that may arise from our activities.

Continuous improvement of our occupational health and safety management system is within our basic management principles. Our core work principles determined as follows:

Issues related to occupational health and safety will be given importance to the environment and quality by all management units (from top management to the lower level of management).

Production or economic benefits are never taken before the issues related to the health and safety of our employees.

All our activities will be carried out in accordance with legal regulations and other requirements.

In all our activities, the elimination of occupational health and safety hazards and reducing the risks, if any, will be taken as a basis.

Our employees will be consulted on matters related to occupational health and safety and their participation will be ensured.

It will be ensured that all our employees and guests are aware of occupational health and safety and occupational diseases.

Developments in occupational health and safety technology will be taken into consideration in the planning of investments.

Personal protective equipment will comply with international standards to protect the health and safety of all our employees and guests.

In all activities, prevention of dangers at the source will be the basis.

Trucking is one of the most dangerous and critical professions in a mine…

We as Kaltun Group, employ women for this position. We educate them about in C class driver’s licenses and employ them after their test drives. In our project, which we started in order to overcome the prejudice that women cannot do the jobs attributed to men, to increase women’s employment, to give women their economic and social rights, to contribute to the elimination of gender inequality, 8 female drivers have already started to drive.

From Skirts to Heights

From Skirts to Heights

Trucking is one of the most dangerous and critical professions in a mine…

We as Kaltun Group, employ women for this position. We educate them about in C class driver’s licenses and employ them after their test drives. In our project, which we started in order to overcome the prejudice that women cannot do the jobs attributed to men, to increase women’s employment, to give women their economic and social rights, to contribute to the elimination of gender inequality, 8 female drivers have already started to drive.

Kaltun Maden in the World

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    Customer Satisfaction Survey


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